Posted by : Joy
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Pokemon Ruby Destiny - Life Of Guardians English Walkthrough
"Chapter 1", "1", "Beginning Of The Journey", "After starting a new game, you will appear in Green Leaf. Kevin will approach you, and soon, both of you will meet a shaman being chased by the Dark Organization grunts. Choose your starter and battle the grunt's Woobat. After, you'll be asked for the time, so set it, and afterwards, you'll be warped to your room."
"Chapter 1", "2", "Mom's Decision", "In your room, Kevin will talk to you and then he heads out. Head downstairs and talk to your mom so she can give you the Running Shoes. Afterwards, head outside and Kevin will battle you with a Charmander. Defeat him, and after, both of you will see a trainer with a Gabrieleon heading to Green Leaf. He'll then head to Silkwind Town while your mom will approach you and tells you that you need to go to Bouquet Field's boat docks."
"Chapter 1", "3", "Pursuer Of The Moon", "From Guardia Town, head west to reach Guardia Path where you'll encounter a Felinar and a guy who is chasing after the said POKeMON. He'll tell you that he's Richard, and heads to Sinister Woods. Head to the said forest and an old lady will ask for your help, and she'll reward you with a Potion. Work your way to the other end of the forest until you reach Silkwind Path, and in the said route, head west to reach Silkwind Town. In that town, you'll meet up with Kevin, and after, he'll go back to Guardia Town."
"Chapter 1", "4", "Light", "Head south to reach Bouquet Field, and find the boat docks. A guy will be blocking your way there, so head west from the docks to reach Oceanshine City. Enter the Pokemon Center and talk to Richard inside. After, head back to Bouquet City's boat docks and talk to the lady inside, and afterwards, head back to Silkwind Town, where a guy named Light will borrow your POKeMON to catch himself a Ralts, and afterwards, he'll return your POKeMON and battles you."
"Chapter 1", "5", "Symbol of Freedom", "Head back to Silkwind Town up north and battle the Elemental Master there. Master Janice will reward you with the Symbol of Freedom once you defeat her. Afterwards, head to the boat docks in Bouquet Field. While you're inside the boat, go and find a guy named Kevin. Talk to him, and afterwards, find a room where there are no NPCs, and go to bed. Afterwards, Kevin will enter the room and you'll be warped outside the Hevah Academy."
"Chapter 1", "6", "The Hevah Academy", "Go inside the school and attend all six classes, and afterwards, go to the basement. Before the class begin, the instructor will confiscate your Symbol of Freedom, and then, an earthquake will occur, and the instructors will let you escape through a cave in the basement. Work you way around Mineral Cave until you'll meet Kevin, who'll give you a PokeDex. Afterwards, exit the cave."
"Chapter 1", "7", "Achieving Freedom", "A ranger will ask you a few questions. She'll introduce herself as Ranger Leana. Head all the way back to Guardia Town and talk to your mom. Head to Guardia Path where Kevin will battle you, and enter Sinister Woods where a guy will give you a Riolu. Head back to Silkwind Path, but before you'll reach Silkwind Town, head north and talk to a blue-haired trainer, and battle him/her. Afterwards, head to Silkwind Town and battle Master Janice again to earn yourself the Symbol of Freedom."
"Chapter 1", "8", "Claire And Gabrieleon", "After you get yourself the symbol again, head south to Bouquet Field, where Richard will battle you. Defeat him and head to Oceanshine City, and enter the E.M. building, and once inside, talk to the green guy. Afterwards, head all the way back to Guardia Town. Once you're in the said town, head north to reach Green Leaf, and then head west to reach Krystal Path. Once your there, a brother and sister will be talking to each other. They're Vincent and Claire.""Chapter 1", "9", "Water And Sand", "After, Vincent will return to Oceanshine City. Here, you can either battle Claire or not, it's up to you to try your skills with Gabrieleon. Anyway, after Vincent left, head back to Oceanshine City and battle Master Vincent to earn yourself the Symbol of Purity. After, head east from Oceanshine City to reach Silver Desert. Talk to Ranger Leana and she'll give you a Go-Goggles."
"Chapter 1", "10", "Frozen Grass","Head east to reach Silver Desert, and then head south to reach another Silver Desert. Continue going down south and you'll reach RainLeaf Town. Talk to the guy who is blocking the entrance of the E.M. building, and then go back to Silver Desert and enter the forest and work your way around there for you to reach Guardia Town. In Guardia Town, head east to Fortune Valley North, and continue heading east to reach Low Point Path. After you worked your way around the icy mountain, you'll encounter Andrew who is being kidnapped by the Dark organization. Ranger Leana arrives to help the two of you to escape."
"Chapter 1", "11", "Rescuing The Rescuer", "Afterwards, you'll be warped back to Guardia Town. Head back to RainLeaf Town via Vextra Forest south from Guardia Town and battle Master Andrew to earn yourself the Symbol of Life. After getting the Symbol of Life, head to RainLeaf Town's PokeCenter where Ryan will give you H.M. RockSmash. Head back to Guardia Town, and head east to reach Fortune Valley North where Light will battle you. Afterwards, head back to Low Point Path and work your way around until you reach HighPoint Town where two Empire Knights(?) will battle you. Defeat them, but after you do, they'll drug you to sleep."
"Chapter 1", "12", "Snow", "You'll be in a strange black area where you need to battle two red eyes. Afterwards, you'll wake up inside a building where you and Ranger Leana are kidnapped. After, Light will come inside along with real Empire knights and arrest the bad guys, but outside, they'll eventually escape. After, head south from HighPoint Town where Light will talk to you about himself. After, head back to Guardia Town."
"Chapter 2", "1", "Shattered Boulder", "From Guardia Town, enter Vextra Forest and head east to meet Kevin and Richard having an argument. After, continue your way to meet two Dark Organization grunts, and then Claire will arrive and help you defeating them. Afterwards, the grunts will run away, leaving behind a PokeGear. Head outside and you'll be in Garden Field, where Claire will battle you. Defeat her and head south to reach Boulder City. Head inside the E.M. building and battle the Dark Organization grunts Rino and Zoey, and after, you'll be pushed into a hole. Work your way around Mineral Cave and you'll meet up with the residents of the city. After a few talks, they'll leave."
"Chapter 2", "2", "Captured Lightning", "Head back to Boulder City and enter the E.M. building once again, and Kevin and Ranger Leana appears to help you. Defeat the Dark Organization Commander Lombert, and afterwards, Lombert will let Rino and Zoey escape. Afterwards, outiside Boulder City's PokeCenter, you can battle Kevin and Ryan in a double battle. From Boulder City, head back to Silkwind Town and ride the train and you'll arrive in Sparkle Path. Head south and you'll reach Rainbow City, where Team Earth has captured Zapdos. You'll eventually destroy their machine and two grunts will battle you. Defeat them and they'll run away."
"Chapter 2", "3", "Rainbows on Boulders", "You'll be warped outside the city's PokeCenter. Head back to the pond and talk to Master Rhea, and you'll have a choice if you want to battle her with Zapdos. If you win, you'll earn yourself a new symbol. If you lose, or decline the chance of battling her with Zapdos, just enter the E.M. building and defeat her there. Afterwards, a guy named Blitz will introduce himself, and walks off. Head back to Sparkle Path, north from Rainbow City, and after, ride the train so you'll be back in Silkwind Town. Work your way back to Boulder City and battle Master Terry for you to earn the Symbol of Might."
"Chapter 2", "4", "Tears Of The Heavens", "After getting the symbol from Master Terry, head outside the E.M. building and everyone will be shouting about Angeallen. Head east and you'll witness the Dark Organization capturing Angeallen. After, they'll knock everyone out and you'll be in the darkness again, and you're going to the battle those red-eyes again. After, you'll be warped outside Boulder City's PokeCenter. Head behind the Center and you'll meet up with Ranger Leana, Kevin, Light and Angeallen's Guardian Trainer Nicolas."
"Chapter 2", "5", "Shattered Boulder", "After a few discussions, head back to Guardia Town and work your way towards Krystal Path. Once you're there, talk to the hiker so he'll give you H.M. Surf. After obtaining Surf, head back to Boulder City and head east and east and east, and eventually, you'll meet up with Ryan in Dawn Path. He walks off, and afterwards, you'll meet up with Nicolas and battles you. Afterwards, enter Dawn Path's Mineral Cave to battle a guy named J.B. Crosell. After, head outside the cave."
"Chapter 2", "6", "Team Earth", "From Dawn Path, head east to reach Rintah Town. Nothing to do there, so head back to Boulder City. While on the way, you'll meet up with Ranger Leana in Fortune Valley South, where a sudden earthquake occurs and making you fall of the bridge. You'll be in the dark area again, battling the red-eyes, and afterwards, you'll be warped on Breeze Island, where a girl named April will come towards you, asking you to leave, but then two Team Earth grunts will approach you, battles you, takes your POKeMON and symbols away, and locks you up behind their cell."
"Chapter 2", "7", "Escape The Island", "Talk to the bars in front of the Team Earth guard and eventually, another grunt approaches the guard. The grunt reveals herself as April, and sets you out. Search around the base for your POKeMON. After, head outside, only to be stopped by two grunts, but April will help you. After you defeat a grunt, you'll be warped outside. April will send out her Lapras for you to escape the island. After you reach Bouquet Field, the Lapras will join your team."
"Chapter 2", "8", "Recollecting", "Since you don't have your symbols anymore, re-earn them again. Battle the first four masters; Janice, Vincent, Andrew and Rhea, before facing Master Terry in Boulder City. Before you enter every E.M. building, your rivals will appear and battles you. In Silkwind Town, Ryan will battle you. In Oceanshine City, Claire will battle you. In RainLeaf Town, Kevin will battle you. And in Rainbow City, a guy named Jimmy will battle you. After you earn your first four symbols back, had to Boulder City where Light will battle you before you'll face Master Terry. Afterwards, from Boulder City."
"Chapter 2", "-", "NOTE 1 .-", "Now that you have the fifth symbol again, you can either head to Rintah Town, or go back to Breeze Island. If you want to go to Rintah Town, continue reading Chapter 2. If you want to go to Breeze Island, proceed to Chapter 3-B."
"Chapter 2", "6", "Ending The Darkness", "From Boulder City, head east and east to reach Rintah Town, where Light, Nicolas, Kevin, Ryan and Ranger Leana are fighting against the Dark Organization. Go to the shaman and battle Rino and Zoey. Defeat them, and after, a large aircraft will be hovering above the town. You'll be warped on the wing of the aircraft. You'll be warped inside the aircraft, where grunts will try and stop all of you. Battle Lei and Hate and they'll fled. Work your way around until you reach the room where their leader is. Battle Richard, and then their leader, Stealth, will battle you. After you defeat him, the aircraft will crash outside Rintah Town where Stealth will tell everyone his reasons."
"Chapter 2", "-", "NOTE 2 .-", "Story-branching will begin at this point. If you want to play the normal side of the game, skip to Chapter 3-C. If you want to play either the good or the bad side of the game, continue reading Chapter 2."
"Chapter 2", "7", "Breeze Island", "You'll be warped outside Rintah Town's PokeCenter. Head east and talk to Ranger Leana and Jimmy in Rintah Path. Afterwards, head back to Boulder City, and from Boulder City, head back to Oceanshine City, and go to the sands and head west and you can surf south from Bouquet Field. Work your way on the ocean and you'll eventually reach the Hevah Academy. From there, surf east until you reach Breeze Island. A Team Earth grunt will talk to you and asks you to join them; to join Team Earth."
"Chapter 2", "-", "NOTE 3 .-", "Story-branching will begin at this point. If you want to play the good side of the game, proceed to Chapter 3-A. If you want to play the bad side of the game, proceed to Chapter 3-B."
"Chapter 3-A", "1", "Declining The Evil", "Decline the grunt's offer, and he'll battle you. After, he returns to the base. Follow him to the submarine docks and talk to him. Ranger Leana will arrive as the grunt dives down to the water, and the submarine goes away. Afterwards, you'll be warped outside, where Ranger Leana will give you a PokeDex that she found inside one of the houses. You'll then be warped in Bouquet Field. Go to Oceanshine City and Ranger Leana will talk to you."
"Chapter 3-A", "2", "Mount Krystal", "Head to the ranger's headquarters in Silkwind Path. Talk to Ranger Leana inside, and afterwards, head to Guardia Town. From there, head north to Green Leaf where you'll see Kevin going to Mount Krystal, and Ranger Leana catching up on him. Head east to reach Krystal Path, and east to reach Mount Krystal. Enter the mountain's cave and work your way around."
"Chapter 3-A", "3", "Captured Angel", "Near the peak, a Team Earth grunt will battle you, and afterwards, head to the peak of the mountain, where Ranger Leana, Nicolas and Kevin, along with Angeallen, are. Team Earth grunts will suddenly arrive and battles you, and afterwards, they'll send you flying to catch Angeallen. You will then be in the darkness once again, and you'll battle the red-eyes once again."
"Chapter 3-A", "4", "Cyber Virus", "Head to the ranger H.Q. in Silkwind Path. Enter the quarters and go to the scientists. You and Kevin will then be warped into the Cyber World. In there, destroy eight aura-emitting machines, and afterwards, talk to a healing box where you'll be warped to the area where the mother virus is located. Battle (or catch) it and you and Kevin will then be warped back to the real world."
"Chapter 3-A", "5", "Symbol of Harmony", "Head to Lustersand Town either east from Rintah Town, or south from Rainbow City. And then, go inside the E.M. building and battle a trainer inside, and afterwards, head outside and battle Master Kronz, who will reward you with the Symbol of Harmony. Afterwards, Ranger Leana arrives and tells you to go to Lost Shadow Valley through Dusk Path's Mineral Cave."
"Chapter 3-A", "6", "Lost Shadow Valley", "Head to Rintah Town and head east until you reach Dusk Path. Enter the cave which will lead you to Mineral Cave. Work your way around until you reach Shadow Valley. Work your way around until you find six standing pillars where Team Earth's leader, Gaia, and a grunt will battle you. Defeat her, and afterwards, Giratina will appear and will consume you into the darkness."
"Chapter 3-A", "7", "Future Sight", "You'll be warped in a more lively Shadow Valley. Work your way around and a guy will demand that you'll follow him. You'll be warped into Rintah Town where the shaman will tell you about the unison of the two timelines. You'll then be warped back into the dark Shadow Valley. Work your way out of the place, and J.B. Crosell and Claire will talk to you."
"Chapter 3-A", "8", "Guardia's Master", "Head to Rintah Town and talk to the shaman. Head to Guardia Town and battle the new Elemental Master there. The go the Hevah League by going to Silkwind Town, and head north, and surf your way to the league. After reaching the Hevah League, all the Elemental Masters will be there and will talk about what is going on around the region."
"Chapter 3-A", "9", "The Final Showdown", "After the long conversation, head to Guardia Town and head east to Fortune Valley North, and head north to reach Fruits' Basket, where the princess is waiting for you. Go through the gates and go inside the castle, and Kevin will also accompany you and the princess in awakening Rayquaza. After you wake Rayquaza up, you'll be warped in the Dragon Castle. Work your way up and you will eventually reach the point where Gaia has 'your' body as Giratina's vessel. Battle her, and after, battle Giratina, and then Zah. Afterwards, the credits will roll."
"Chapter 3-B", "1", "Accepting The Darkness", "Accept the grunt's offer, and he will welcome you. After, he'll enter the base. Follow him and work your way to the submarine docks. Talk to him, and both of you will jump to the water and the submarine will head off. You will then be warped outside the Team Earth's main base. Enter the base and go to the second floor where Gaia will introduce herself as the leader of Team Earth and will tell you about the group's goals. Then, she'll send you on a mission to capture Angeallen. Head outside to the submarine, and Mark will give you useful items, and afterwards, you'll be warped outside Mount Krystal."
"Chapter 3-B", "2", "Captured Angel", "If you don't have HM Flash, you can get it by talking to the grunts outside Mount Krystal. Work your way up to the peak of the mountain until you meet Ranger Leana, Kevin and Nicolas. You'll be backed by Team Earth grunts, and you'll battle Nicolas. Defeat him and you'll capture Angeallen successfully. Afterwards, you'll be warped outside the base."
"Chapter 3-B", "3", "Cyber Virus", "Talk to Gaia, and she'll let you enter the basement of the base. Go to the basement and talk to the scientist there, where he'll ask for your help in securing the mother virus in the storage system. You'll be warped to the Cyber World where you'll battle Kevin. Defeat him, and you'll be warped back inside the base."
"Chapter 3-B", "4", "Ruby Destiny Fragment", "Talk to Gaia again and she'll give you your second mission. Head outside and go to the submarine, and you'll be warped outside a cave in a small island in the Gento Region. Enter the cave and work your way around to reach a dead end where a fragment is lying on the ground. Take it and head outside the cave. After, you'll be warped outside the base. Talk to Gaia and then head back to the basement."
"Chapter 3-B", "5", "Cyber World", "Talk to the scientist again and he'll send you back to the Cyber World. Talk to eight aura-emmiting machines and afterwards, talk to the healing boxes and you'll be warped back to the base where the rangers has already started attacking the building. Mark will help you escape."
"Chapter 3-B", "6", "Lost Shadow Valley", "You'll be warped inside Mineral Cave. Work your way around and eventually, a Dohydra will attack you. Battle (or catch) and defeat it, and work your way through until you reach Lost Shadow Valley. Locate the area where six pillars are standing, and then Gaia and Mark will arrive, and then Giratina will consume you into the darkness. You will then be warped in a lively version of Shadow Valley. Work your way around and a guy will arrive and will demand that you follow him, and afterwards, you'll be warped in Rintah Town where the shaman will tell you everything about the unison of the two separate timelines. You'll then be warped back to the dark version of Shadow Valley."
"Chapter 3-B", "7", "Turning To A New Leaf", "Work your way out. JB Crosell and Claire will talk to you. Head to Rintah Town and talk to the shaman. Head to Lustersand Town and enter the EM building and battle the trainer there. Afterwards, head outside and battle Master Kronz to earn a new symbol. Afterwards, go to the Hevah League by going to Silkwind Town, and head north, and surf your way to the league"
"Chapter 3-B", "8", "The Final Showdown", "After talking to the people there, head to Guardia Town and head east to Fortune Valley North, and north to reach Fruits' Basket where the princess is waiting for you. Enter through the doors and head to the castle. Work your way around until the princess will try and wake Rayquaza up, and afterwards, you'll be warped at the base of the Dragon Castle. Work your way to the top and eventually, you'll face your 'body' that Giratina used as its vessel. Battle Gaia and the Vessel, then Giratina, and then Zah, and afterwards, the credits will roll."
"Chapter 3-C", "1", "New Symbols", "Enter the aircraft and work your around until you find a hole on the wall where Claire came through. You'll be warped on the other side of the plane. Work around the forest until you meet Rino and Zoey. Afterwards, head to Lustersand Town, either south from Rainbow City, or east from Rintah Town. Enter the E.M. building and battle the trainer inside, and afterwards, head outside and battle Master Kronz, and earn yourself the Symbol of Harmony. Afterwards, head to Guardia Town and head to the new E.M. building there, and Kevin will arrive and tells you everything that has happened. Defeat Master Beatrice and earn yourself a new symbol"
"Chapter 3-C", "2", "Sprizzle", "Head to the Hevah League, and after the meeting, head back to Guardia Town and head east to reach Fortune Valley North, and then north to reach Fruits' Basket, where the princess is waiting for you. Eventually, a Sprizzle will catch your attention. Walk around the area and talk to it until it battles you (you can catch it). Afterwards, head to the castle."
"Chapter 3-C", "3", "The Final Showdown", "Head to the castle and after the princess wakes Rayquaza up, you'll be warped on the base of the Dragon Castle. Work your way to the top, and afterwards, you'll eventually meet Gaia who used Mark's body as Giratina's vessel. Afterwards, the Vessel with release a negative aura that will warp you to a blissful Shadow Valley. Work your way around until a guy will show up and will try to have a fist-fight with you. Eventually, he'll demand that you follow him to Rintah Town, where you will be informed by the shaman about the unison of the two separate timelines. Later, you'll be warped back to the Dragon Castle, and you'll battle Gaia and the Vessel, Giratina and then Zah. Afterwards, the credits will roll."
"Chapter 3-D", "1", "Breeze Island 1", "From Boulder City, head back to Oceanshine City, and go to the sands and head west and you can surf south from Bouquet Field. Work your way on the ocean and you'll eventually reach the Hevah Academy. From there, surf east until you reach Breeze Island. A Team Earth grunt will talk to you and asks you to join them; to join Team Earth."
"Chapter 3-D", "-", "NOTE .-", "Story-branching will begin at this point. If you want to play the bad side of the game, proceed to Chapter 3-B. If you want to play the good side of the game, continue reading Chapter 3-D."
"Chapter 3-D", "2", "Ending The Darkness", "Decline the grunt's offer, and he'll battle you. After, he returns to the base. Follow him to the submarine docks and talk to him. Afterwards, go back to Boulder City. From Boulder City, head east and east and you'll reach Rintah Town. Go to the shaman and battle Rino and Zoey. Defeat them, and after a large aircraft will be hovering above the town. You'll be warped on the wing of the aircraft. You'll be warped inside the aircraft, where grunts will try and stop all of you. Work your way around until you reach the room where their leader is. Battle Richard, and then their leader, Stealth, will battle you. After, the aircraft will crash outside Rintah Town where Stealth will tell everyone his reasons."
"Chapter 3-D", "3", "Breeze Island 2", "Head east from Rintah Town and talk to Ranger Leana. Head back to Breeze Island and head to the base of Team Earth, where Ranger Leana will approach you and gives you a PokeDex that she found inside the houses of the island. You'll then be warped back to Bouquet Field. Head to Oceanshine City and Ranger Leana will approach you. After, head to the ranger's headquarters in Silkwind Path."
"Chapter 3-D", "4", "Captured Angel", "Talk to Ranger Leana and then go to Guardia Town, then head north to Green Leaf and you'll see Kevin, and later, Ranger Leana will catch up. Head west to Krystal Path, and west to reach Mount Krystal. Enter the cave and work your way around. Along the way, a Team Earth grunt will battle you. Afterwards, continue until you reach the peak where Nicolas, Kevin and Ranger Leana, along with Angeallen, are around. Team Earth grunts will come and battle. After, they'll send everyone flying to capture Angeallen."
"Chapter 3-D", "5", "Cyber World", "You will then be in the darkness once again, and you'll battle the red-eyes once again. After that, you'll be warped in your room where your mom will tell you that Ranger Leana wants you to go to their quarters in Silkwind Path."
"Chapter 3-D", "6", "Cyber Virus", "Head to the ranger H.Q. in Silkwind Path. Enter the quarters and go to the scientists. You and Kevin will then be warped into the Cyber World. In there, destroy eight aura-emitting machines, and afterwards, talk to a healing box where you'll be warped to the area where the mother virus is located. Battle (or catch) it and you and Kevin will then be warped back to the real world."
"Chapter 3-D", "7", "Lost Shadow Valley", "Afterwards, head to Lustersand Town either east from Rintah Town, or south from Rainbow City. And then, go inside the E.M. building and battle a trainer inside, and afterwards, head outside and battle Master Kronz, who will reward you with the Symbol of Harmony. Afterwards, Ranger Leana arrives and tells you to go to Lost Shadow Valley. Head to Rintah Town and head east until you reach Dusk Path. Enter the cave which will lead you to Mineral Cave. Work your way around until you reach Shadow Valley."
"Chapter 3-D", "8", "Future Sight", "After you reach the Shadow Valley, work your way around until you find six standing pillars where Team Earth's leader, Gaia, and a grunt will battle you. Defeat her, and afterwards, Giratina will appear and will consume you into the darkness. You'll be warped into a more lively Shadow Valley. Work your way around and a guy will appear and will demand that you'll follow him. You'll be warped into Rintah Town where the shaman will tell you about the unison of the two timelines. You'll then be warped back into the dark Shadow Valley. Work your way out of the place, and once outside Mineral Cave, J.B. Crosell and Claire will talk to you. Afterwards, head to Rintah Town and talk to the shaman."
"Chapter 3-D", "9", "The Final Showdown", "Head to Guardia Town and battle the new Elemental Master. Head to the Hevah League by going to Silkwind Town, and head north, and surf your way to the league. After the meeting in the league, head to Guardia Town and head east to Fortune Valley North, and head north to reach Fruits' Basket, where the princess is waiting for you. Go through the gates and go inside the castle, and Kevin will also accompany you and the princess in awakening Rayquaza. After, you'll be warped in the Dragon Castle. Work your way up and you will eventually reach the point where Gaia has 'your' body as Giratina's vessel. Battle her, and after, battle Giratina, and then Zah. Afterwards, the credits will roll."
"Chapter 4", "1", "Becoming The Champion", "If you don't have the 7th badge yet, go to Guardia Town and battle Master Beatrice. Afterwards, head to the Leon Empire and defeat Princess Alice and she'll give you the final badge for you to participate in the Hevah League. Once you're there, defeat the Master 17, and afterwards, defeat Champion Jimmy. The credits will roll afterwards."
"Chapter 4", "2", "Shaymin And Giratina", "Head to the Tower of Fate north from Silkwind Town, and talk to Chaomega. After, go to Rintah Town and head east to Dusk Path, and enter Mineral Cave and work your way to Shadow Valley. Once there, work your way around and you'll meet up with Giratina."
"Chapter 4", "3", "The Four Dragon Gods", "Go to Breeze Island and battle April with Breatherna and Deazone. After, head to Mount Krystal and talk to Angeallen. After, head to Highpoint Town, go north to White Path, and then head east to reach Twilight Path. Enter the cave in the icy parts and work your way around and talk to JB Crosell. Talk to the tile where JB Crosell was standing and you'll be warped in Hell's Pit. Battle Devihel afterwards. Then head to the Leon Empire and battle Rayquaza."
"Chapter 4", "4", "Fragments - 1-3", "Go to the Tower of Fate, located north from Silkwind Town. Meet with Chaomega and it'll give you a Ruby Destiny Fragment. Head to Twilight Path and enter Mineral Cave and work your way around until you meet Champion Joseph. Battle him and talk to Yiyan. Afterwards, go to the Hevah League and talk to Joseph, and he'll give you a fragment. Enter Bouquet Field's Mineral Cave and work your way around until you find a Keldeo. Fight it and it'll drop a fragment."
"Chapter 4", "5", "Fragments - 4-5", "Go to the ranger's headquarters and go to the basement and talk to Blitz. He'll give you a letter. Go to the Hevah League and talk to the yellow-haired guy, so he'll give you the Hevah Symbol. Head to Rainbow City and go south to Rainbow Path and talk to the sailor so he'll take you to the Gento Region. Talk to April and she'll give you a fragment. Then head to HighPoint Town, and activate the sidequest 'Behind The Ice'. Head north and go to the sliding ice area, and work your way until you reach the cave. Enter the cave and battle a POKeMON inside and it'll drop a fragment."
"Chapter 4", "6", "Fragments - 6", "Head to Silkwind Town and head north and talk to Nicolas and he'll give you HM Waterfall. Go to Oceanshine City and head south and talk to Gabrieleon. Go to Rintah Town and head east to reach Dusk Path. Climb up the waterfall and enter the cave and work your way above the mountain and you'll meet Gabrieleon. Battle Diana with Gabrieleon and Nefari, and after, head to Rintah Town and talk to the shaman. Enter one of the houses and talk to Light's grandfather, and he'll give you a fragment."
"Chapter 4", "7", "Fragments - 7-8", "Head to the ranger's quarters and talk to Ranger Leana. Head to Vextra Forest and head west and enter the new available area of the forest. Battle and defeat Richard. After, head back to the ranger's headquarters and talk to Ranger Leana. Then, head north from Silkwind Path and talk to Might/Patty, and he'll/she'll give you two fragments."
"Chapter 4", "8", "Edge Of Time", "Head to the Tower of Fate and talk to Chaomega. After, talk to each of the eight pillars, and you'll be warped outside. Enter the tower again and The Ruby Destiny will appear, and Ranger Leana, Joseph, Jimmy, Light, Kevin, Ryan and Might/Patty will come inside. Afterwards, you'll be warped in the edge of time. Defeat Might/Patty and afterwards, the credits will roll."
"Extras", "1", "Gabrieleon", "After talking to Gabrieleon in Oceanshine City, and after the event inside Dusk Path's cave's peak, hunt down Gabrieleon in the following areas: (1)Coral Sea, (2) Fruits' Basket, (3)Hevah Academy, (4)Dusk Path(south of Current Path), (5)Ice's Edge Path, (6)Current Path, (7)Guardia Path, (8)Oceania Sea, (9)and back to the peak of Dusk Path's mountain. You'll have a 50% chance of battling Gabrieleon with its shiny form."
"Extras", "2", "Mew", "Inside the cave above the waterfall, there's another cave where you can take. Work your way through and you'll reach Destiny Island, where Mew will ask you for some berries. Give her the right berries and it'll battle you afterwards."
"Extras", "3", "Baby Lugia", "Just north from the Tower of Fate, you can reach the Whirl Islands. Enter one of the caves and work your way towards where Nicolas and his grandmother are located. Talk to the old lady and she'll give you a Baby Lugia."
"Extras", "4", "Ho-oh", "In the far north of Green Leaf, enter the cave and work your way around until you reach Ilex Forest. Walk through the path and you'll meet up with Ho-oh. Battle and try your luck on catching it."
"Extras", "5", "Wujifin", "Head back to the submarine docks of Team Earth's base in Breeze Island. You'll eventually encounter Wujifin there."
"Extras", "6", "Chaomega", "Talk to Jayson who is inside the Tower of Fate. If you say 'yes' to his question, you'll receive Chaomega without any indication that you got it."
"Extras", "7", "Shaymin", "You can only get Shaymin if you played the Normal Mode of the game, where you will have a choice whether you'll choose Giratina or Shaymin. You can also get Shaymin in both the Good and Bad sides of the game if either (1)you talked to all eighteen sprouts inside the Shadow Valley before Giratina consumed you into the darkness, or(2) you clicked on a green diamond tile inside Mineral Cave just before entering Lost Shadow Valley, which will instantly grant you to get Shaymin instead of Giratina."
"Extras", "8", "The Pillars", "You can talk to the pillars inside the Tower of Fate, which are records of the important and time-breaking events that happened in the Ruby Destiny series."
"Extras", "9", "The Edge Of Time", "If you want to repeat the Edge of Time event, simply talk to the windmill beside Silkwind Town's PokeCenter and head back to the Tower of Fate."
"Extras", "10", "Shiny Gem", "The Shiny Gem is available through purchase with Jayson inside the Tower of Fate. This gem will change the forms of the following POKeMON: Giratina, Shaymin and Felinar/Cresselia."
"Extras", "11", "Unobtainables", "The following list of POKeMON are available for you to battle, yet not to be captured: (1)The Vessel(all three of them), (2)Zah, (3)????????(the two red eyes in the darkness), (4)Ruby Destiny, (5)Sapphire Destiny(also known as the Shadow of the Ruby Destiny), (6)Shadow Lugia, (7).Buizel, (8).Skarmory, (9).Flaaffy, (10).Girafarig, (11).Flareon, (12).Sandslash, (13) Devihel(enraged version), (14)Rayquaza(powered version), (15)Gabrieleon(enraged version), (16)Nefari, (17)Blaziken, (18)Shedinja, (19)Ninjask, (20)Giratina(possessed version)."
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