Posted by : Joy Friday 22 August 2014



The start is the same as in Ruby and Sapphire, head inside your house and set the clock. Go downstairs and your mum will show you a news article on TV featuring your dad. After that, head next door to your rival's house. Head upstairs and press A on the Pokeball and your Rival will enter. Leave and head north and you will find a Zigzagoon attacking Prof. Birch. Select your starter from his pack and battle it. Birch will then lead you to his lab and you will be given the Pokmeon you chose. Head north to Oldale town, heal and do whatever else you have to, and then head north to find your Rival. When you spot your Rival, they will challenge you to a battle.
After the battle, your rival will lead you back to Littleroot Town. Prof. Birch will give you the Pokedex and your Rival will give you 5 Pokeballs to help you start your Pokemon collection. Head outside and your mum will give you a pair of running shoes, which means when you hold down B you will run.
Head back north to Oldale and then west to Petalburg. Head inside the Gym and your dad will talk to you. Wally will also appear and lead you outside to capture a Ralts. After this, head west and a new character called Scott will talk to you. Continue west and head up into the forest. Work your way through the forest until you reach a Devon employee who needs help. Fight off Team Aqua and continue north up to Rustboro. The first thing you should do is take care of the Gym. Check out the Gym Guide for information on all the Gyms and Elite Four. Next, collect HM01 - Cut from the house to the left of the Pokecenter. Now head north and then east out of the town. Follow the path east and enter Rusturf Tunnel. Follow the path and beat the Team Aqua Grunt. Collect the Devon goods and head out of the cave the way you came in.
Head back to Rustboro and the Devon employee will take you to see the President of Devon. He will give you a PokeNav and a letter to deliver. Head out of the building and you will be forced to phone a researcher from Devon to test out the new phone function. Heal and save before heading south. You will be challenged by your Rival. After that battle, head all the way south again, back through the forest to the small house with a boat parked outside. Head inside and talk to Mr. Briney and he will offer you a lift to Dewford.

Take on the Gym, the small circle gets wider as you beat more trainers. Once you have beaten the Gym, head to the north of the island. Head left and into the cave. Talk to the Hiker and you'll get HM05 - Flash. Teach it to a Pokemon and use it. Continue left and up the ladder. Head north until you reach a fork. Head south for an item then back up and to the right until you reach another ladder. Head left all the way and then up and right all the way to the next ladder. Head left up another ladder. Head all the way left and out the door. Speak to Steven and deliver the letter. He will give you TM47 - Steel Wing. Head up, and then right and jump down the ledges and leave the cave.
Now speak to Mr. Briney and go back to Petalburg. Go and talk to the Devon president and get the Exp. Share. Return to Mr. Briney and select Slateport City. Work your way north battling through the trainers on the beach. Head into the house on the left and beat all the trainers inside for some Soda Pops and experience. Continue north into Slateport City. There is a long line of Aqua members in front of the museum and you can't go in yet, so head into the building south of the museum. Head upstairs and talk to the man there. You find out Captain Stern is missing. Head back to the museum and head inside. Pay the lady and head upstairs. Fight the two Aqua Grunts, their leader Archie will come inside and talk. Then you will hand over the Devon Goods and then head outside. You will bump into Scott again but nothing really happens.
Head north onto Route 110. Work your way west through all the trainers and collect the items before heading all the way east back to the house. This house is the trick house. Continue east and follow the path around. Be sure to save your game because you will come across, and will have to battle, your Rival. Continue north and follow the path until you get out of the grass. Go north still until you get to Mauville City. Head into the house to the right of the Pokemart and get HM06 - Rock Smash. Head into the Bike shop and get either the Mach or Acro Bike. You can change Bikes at any time. If you want more experience, you can head back south and go down the cycling road. Next thing to do, is beat the Gym. Take care of Wally first and then enter. Battle everyone and it shouldn't be too hard to work out the puzzle of how to get to Wattson, who uses Electric Pokemon.
Once you have beaten him, take care of the trainers on the route west out of Mauville, you can't go any further than the water. Head west and continue back through Mauville onto Route 117. Battle the trainers on that route. The daycare is also on this route. Continue west into Verdanturf town. Head into the cave to the left of the Pokemart. Head north fighting the trainer and then use Rock Smash on the rock to reunite the girl with her boyfriend. You will get HM04 - Strength as a reward. Leave the cave and head back to Mauville. This time head north to Route 111. Fight your way past the trainers, use rock smash on the boulders blocking the path and when you reach a fork in the road, you will have to go west onto Route 112 as a sandstorm blocks access to the desert.

Continue west and then head north up the stairs fighting more trainers. Team Magma blocks the cable car so head to the left and into the Fiery Path. Follow the path, you can't move the boulder yet so just follow it around and exit. Battle the trainers nearby and continue right back onto Route 111. Work your way north. There is a rest house you can use if needed. Continue north and when you reach the top head west onto Route 113. Work past all the trainers and head all the way west into Fallarbor Town. Once you've healed up and spoken to Lanette in the Pokecenter, continue west out of the town. Follow the path with bridges south. Once you reach a set of stairs, head up them, go south and follow the path around and up another set of stairs. Follow this path up another two sets of stairs. Go down the next two flights of stairs and enter the cave.
Once inside Meteor falls, head left for a cut scene with Teams Aqua and Magma. Magma steal the meteorite and head to Mt. Chimney. Go all the way to the left and jump down the purple ledges and exit onto Route 115. Head south battling the trainers and collecting the items. Don't jump over the final ledge. Instead, head back up into Meteor Falls and head up the stairs and then left out the way you entered before. Backtrack all the way back north to Fallarbor, back along Route 113, south down Route 111, west onto Route 112 and through the Fiery Path. After exiting the Fiery Path head to the right and use the cable car to head to the top of Mt. Chimney. Head north past all the grunts to the Magma Leader - Maxie. Battle him and Team Magma will flee. Archie will appear and thanks you then leaves too. Take the Meteorite and give it to the Professor for TM 27 - Return.
Head south and exit via the path near the old lady. Battle the people while continuing south. Note the place where Team Magma are standing - this is the location of their secret base which we will come back to later. Exit via the south onto Route 112. Head west into Lavaridge Town. Do the usual heal and save. Take on the Gym Leader - Flanney who uses fire Pokemon. Head outside and you will bump into your Rival who will give you the Go-Goggles which will allow you to go through the desert. Head east and down the ledges to get to the desert. To get through the Mirage Tower you will need the Mach Bike. Head inside and all the way to the top to get one of the fossils. You are able to get both in Emerald although one will sink into the floor for now. The Scientist in the Devon building will be able to resurrect it for you. Battle all the trainers in the desert.
Continue south on Route 111 to Mauville City and then go via the grass route or the cycling route to Slateport City. Use Mr. Briney to take you to Dewford and then onto Petalburg. Here is where you will get your next badge - from the Normal leader, Norman. After beating him, head outside and Wally's dad will give you HM03 - Surf. Head east to Oldale and north and then Surf through Route 103 onto Route 110. Head north back to Mauville. If you talk to Wattson in the middle of the city you get a side quest. For now, head east and Surf out of Route 118. Talk to the fisherman if you want the Good Rod. Head all the way east working past all the trainers onto Route 123. You can't progress past a certain point so after beating everyone, head north up Route 119. Work your way all the way north to the Weather Institute.

Beat all the Team Aqua members and collect the Castform. Exit the Weather Institute and head right over the bridge to take on your Rival again. You will get HM02 - Fly as a reward allowing you to return to any previously visited city. Follow the path north into Fortree City. Head through the city and exit out the east exit onto Route 120. Follow the path around and onto the bridge. Talk to Steven and you will be thrown into a battle with a Kecleon. Catch it or beat it to clear the path. He gives you the Devon Scope which allows you to identify these hidden Pokemon. After this, head back to Fortree and down the center ladder to the Gym. Identify the Kecleon and head into the Gym. The Gym Leader is Winona who uses Flying type Pokemon.
After defeating her, exit Fortree again via the east exit and back over the bridge Steven was on. Continue south, east then south again all the way until you can go east onto Route 121. Continue right and some Team Aqua members will head off to Mt. Pyre. Continue right. The building nearby is the Safari Zone, but you can't get in yet. Continue east into Lilycove City. Heal and so on. May is waiting to battle you again in the north part of Lilycove. The department store is also useful for buying anything you may need. It is useful to go to the Lilycove Pokecenter first so you can fly back to it after Mt. Pyre. We're heading there now, so exit west back to the little water route heading south off Route 121 and Surf.
Surf around the mountain and enter via the south entrance. Firstly stay inside and work your way to the top of the tower beating the trainers and collecting the items. Head back to the entrance floor and out the door on the left. Follow the path which will take you up the mountain. Beat the Aqua members and watch the scene with the old people at the top. You find they have taken the Red and Blue Orbs. They have also dropped the Magma Emblem so you get that. Now head all the way back to Mt. Chimney. Magma's secret base is on the slopes of it where I pointed it out before. Taking the Magma Emblem to where those Grunts were before makes it shake and a cave opens up.
Follow the path around, up the stairs and into the cave. Work your way through all the Magma Grunts until you reach Maxie. Maxie uses the Blue Orb to awaken Groudon and it flees. Beat Maxie and then collect the Escape Rope through the door nearby use it to leave the cave. Now lets go get Aqua. Fly to Slateport and head to the north. Talk to Captain Stern and Archie announces he's going to steal the submarine. Head inside and you will see him escape. Fly back to Lilycove. Head out to the right and onto the beach. Surf and head north into the cave.
Head north and once inside, step on the left hand teleport. Head right, down and then left to the next Teleport. Next take the right hand Teleport. Then take the one to the right of where you end up. Then step on the teleport to the left of where you end up. Now go onto the one on the far left. Grab the nugget and the Masterball. Step back onto the teleport and now take the middle one. Now go on the one to the left of where you end up. Now take the top teleport. Take the telport on the far right. Enter the door. Take the teleport on the right. Head up the stairs. Now head into the other doorway in this room. Step on the teleport in this room. Battle the Aqua Admin and then step into the bottom teleport and head up the stairs to get out of the hideout.

Save and heal and then Surf east out ot the city. After the two trainers, Surf southeast. When you see beach, step onto it and enter Mossdeep City. Explore Mossdeep to get the Super Rod. Beat the Gym Leaders - Liza and Tate who use Psychic Pokemon in a 2 vs. 2 battle. Head to the Space Center and you'll see Maxie and Team Magma heading for it. Defeat all the Magma Grunts and then talk to Steven. Select three Pokemon and you will enter a 2 vs. 2 battle with Steven on your side. After beating them, head to Steven's home in the north west of the island and he will give you HM08 - Dive. Surf south of this island and then use dive in dark patch of water. Swim underwater south until you get to a cave entrance. Enter and press B to surface...
You should be in the Sea Floor Cavern. You'll need Strength and Rock Smash. Head north up past the puzzles through the door. In the next room, make your way to the top left entrance. Surf in the next room, hop in the currents until you are able to get to the top left door. Head through that and solve the puzzle in the next room. In the next room, simply follow the path around and take on Archie. After beating him, Archie will use the Red Orb to awaken Kyogre and it too will flee. You will be led outside and it will be pouring rain, with thunder and lightning combined with solar flares. Steven comes along and says he's going to Sootopolis City.
Leave the cave and resurface. Surf slightly left and then north. Follow the dark water until you can go left. Head left until you get to another patch of dark water and use Dive again. Head south until you find another cave. Head inside and resurface. You will see a cut scene with Groudon and Kyogre fighting. Head around them and go and speak to Archie, Maxie and Steven. Steven leads you to a cave. Head all the way through and you will meet Wallace. Choose to go to the Sky Pillar. To get there, Surf toward the Seafloor Cavern and then Surf south. Use the PokeNav to guide you, and when you can Surf west, do so onto Route 130. Continue onto Route 131. Hug the north of the route, and you will soon find a little gap. Head into it and into the Sky Pillar.
Wallace is there, and after a few earthquakes he leaves. Head all the way to the top. Rayquaza will fly away when you get there. He's heading for Sootopolis. If you wish, you can leave the Pillar and Surf west more to find Pacifidlog Town enabling you to Fly there later. Otherwise Fly to Sootopolis. A small FMV will play featuring Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza - the first in game FMV :O! After this, talk to Archie, Maxie, Steven and Wallace. Wallace will give you HM07 - Waterfall. Take on the Sootopolis Gym Leader - Juan for your final badge. He uses Water Pokemon. Head back to Mt. Pyre for a bit of closure to the storyline. After this, the next stop is the Elite Four!

The easiest way to get to Ever Grande City is to fly to Mosdeep and Surf south. When it says you get on to Route 128 Surf east. Follow the path around until you get to the giant waterfall and then use Waterfall to get to the top. Use the Pokecentre and head into Victory Road. Head north and go up the stairs. Head left across the bridge and you'll find Wally. After beating him continue north and go down the ladder. Use Flash and Strength. Head down and to the left, push the boulder to the left. Go down, right and push the boulder out of your way. Head south and follow the path up. Use Rock Smash and push the first boulder down, and the next boulder up. Continue to follow the path and go up the stairs, right, down and up the ladder and get the PP Up. Head back down the ladder and go right over the ledge and head north.
Continue north, for trainers and a Full Restore. Then head south, then west and down the ladder. Head north and Surf to the stairway. Head up the stairs, up, right and up the ladder. Grab Psychic and head back down the ladder. Now go south and all the way left. Head north and use Surf. Surf east and fight the guy and grab the Full Heal. Surf back to the left and go down the waterfall. Continue right a bit and then go south on land. Head to the left and up the ladder. Go north then east and then south after the team battle. Head right and smash the rock, push the boulder down, smash the next rock and continue up the ladder. Go up, right, down, right and north. Go through the challenging team battle, continue north, go right and out of Victory Road.
Follow the brick path into the Pokemon League. Heal, buy and save all you need to. The Elite Four consist of Sidney (Dark type), Phoebe (Ghost type), Glacia (Ice type) and Drake (Dragon type). The current champion is Wallace. You will need to beat the Elite Four and Wallace without getting a chance to use a Pokecenter, so be sure to have stocked up well and be fully trained up. Check out our Gym Leaders and Elites Guide for more information.
After beating the Elite Four, you will be back in Littleroot Town. Your mum will ask you what colour the Pokemon on the T.V was - answer Blue if you want Latios in the wild, Red if you want Latias. You will now get the national dex from Birch.
Several other areas are also now unlocked:
  • You can get a a lot of new Pokemon: Beldum, the other Fossil, a GSC starter and Sudowoodo. 
  •  all the Legendaries available.
  • You can battle Steven in Meteor Falls.
  • You can visit the S.S. Tidal.

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